
Content Scorecard


Unleash Roaring Sales with the Power of Data-Driven E-commerce

Being in the e-commerce world, you must know just how important it is to have your product listings stand out from the competition. And that’s where our Content Scorecard Platform comes in. Our platform increases your ability to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of your listing, so you can see how it's really doing against others. With access to detailed and quantitative analytics, you can see what's working in and what's not and adjust your strategic approach.

No more guessing games! You can exactly identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to optimize your content and boost your sales like a boss. With this insightful detailed information at your fingertips, you can easily attract relevant prospects to your listings and convert them into buyers. With our Content Scorecard in your corner, you'll be able to kick your competition to the curb and stand out from the crowd like a true trendsetter.


Shift the paradigm with our platforms

Content Strategy Analysis

Pinpoint the weak spots in your content strategy to turbocharge your listings and drive targeted traffic like a pro. Through our data-driven insights, you'll discover exactly where you need to improve your offerings and strategies to attract more potential buyers to your product listings ascend to the top of your game.


Our profitability has increased

“With the help of Rebelution, we have significantly grown our Amazon business for 2 consecutive years and are continuing the growth into our third year. Both their technology and incredibly deep understanding of the Amazon platform has helped us hit not only our budgets but also our stretch goals. They are a great partner to have."

Jeff Johnson
Vice President of Sales
Johnson Level – Hultafors Group

“Rebelution is the perfect partner for AmerTac. Their experience and dedication at Amazon are second to none, and joining forces with them now is perfect timing as we expand our e-commerce resources and dedication."

John Quast

“Everyone at Rebelution is a pleasure to work with. They are knowledgeable, responsive, and fun to work with. Not only do they support us with our current business, but they are always ten steps ahead thinking of the future of our business.  You can’t have a better partner than that!"

Robert Wynne
Director of eCommerce & Sales
Adesso Inc

Our array of top-notch platforms

Geographical Location Product Availability

  • Get zip code wise details of product in stock, out of stock, limited stock left

Keyword Generator

  • Research relevant keywords and search terms that people use to find products similar to yours
  • Helps you attract more targeted traffic to your listings and improve the chances of converting those visitors into buyers

Machine Learning Forecast Tool

  • Defines the impact of customer reviews, ratings, marketing investment, promotions, coupons, sell price, and product ranking for precise forecasting in today’s turbulent e-commerce marketplaces
  • Offers users a forecasting method more intelligent than models based only on historical sales


  • Extract search data with a single keyword or key phrase, or extract specific data for bulk ASINs or UPCs
  • Acquire competitor data and product ranking from their product detail page
  • Discover gaps in SEO and content optimization throughout your catalog

Share of Voice

  • Analyze count of your ASIN’s in organic and ad searches
  • Identify how your competitors are ranked in specific keyword searches for the product category


Let’s change the game together

What keeps you up at night?